Working in Kenya

We want to see people who are overlooked and pushed to the margins of society, who feel powerless, voiceless and without hope.

To do that we need eyes on the ground - Sulu and Leanne have lived in Ibokolo for 9 years and have built relationships in the community and are the hands and feet of Jesus, they see the invisible and reach out with compassion to help them to be all that God intended.

We are delighted that they have joined hands with us to broaden their focus to look at the whole community and explore how God can use us all to see holistic transformation take place in every aspect of society. Their passion, humility, desire to always learn, yet mixed with the firm belief that God's truth transcends culture, sets them up well to flourish and see the community develop.

Their family needs are met through committed supporters who believe in them and their mission. They need to continue to develop their support team so that their needs are fully met, freeing them up to focus on the needs of others. 

Would you consider becoming part of this team?  Could you invest in His kingdom through the work of Sulu and Leanne? There is a shortfall of £600 ($700) a month and you could be part of empowering and supporting them.