We are Hope Filled Horizons
Our ethos
Relationship focused
Poverty involves more than a lack of material resources; it includes the absence of dignity and power in society. By focusing on relationships with the communities and individuals we support, we strive to avoid the paralysing pitfall of shame that can be exacerbated through unequal helping relationships.
Partnership orientated
If poverty is linked to powerlessness, doing things "to" people can worsen their experience of poverty. Lasting, dignity-inspiring change occurs when those we help are involved in designing and implementing their support. We work "with" people, enabling them to create, initiate, and sustain the support they need to flourish. This development-focused approach empowers individuals and communities to drive change in their own lives.
Complex societies consist of complex people who are biological, psychological, social, and spiritual beings. A holistic approach views individuals and communities through all these lenses, recognising their interconnections. We aim to create projects that address problems and solutions with this holistic perspective.
It is easy to see only the needs or deficits in struggling communities and individuals. However, a dignity-informed approach recognises their untapped strengths and resources, often suppressed by systems, culture, opportunities, and trauma. We aim to start with what people have, building on these strengths and providing extra material support when needed. This is a “help up,” not a “hand out.”
Gospel driven
Society change involves transforming communities and systems, which starts with individual change. Individual change occurs when people see a new way of understanding their lives and being in the world. Jesus introduced the good news of the kingdom of God, where God is committed to redeeming all people through His Spirit. While we respect everyone's autonomy and dignity, we believe that holistic, dignity-inspiring change happens as we partner with God through His Spirit in response to the good news about Jesus, the son of God.
Local led
The best leaders understand their community's story and have established influence. They speak the community's language and are almost always local. We partner with local leaders, providing friendship, training, skills, expertise, and external support to strengthen their leadership.
These bible verses guide our work: