Christ Care Widows Ministry was established in 2008 to address the lack of programmes focused specifically on widows in Migori County. The programme mission is to increase awareness about HIV/AIDS, fight the stigma and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS, and to provide support to widows and orphans living with and affected by the disease.
The ministry focuses on counseling and social assistance, HIV/AIDS information and education, and conducting advocacy against harmful cultural practices and beliefs that impact widows. It also empowers widows by providing business development skills that allow women to reduce their dependency on men.
Christ Care Widows Ministry membership currently includes 500 widows and over 300 orphans.
Empower widows in our community by donating to our Widows Ministry. Your generous gift will go toward purchasing seeds and fertiliser to allow the women to be self-sustaining as well as equip them to learn and establish an income generating trade. More so, each of these women will be empowered with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and opportunities to stand up for their rights as well as fight the spread of HIV/AIDS.
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