In Migori, Kenya, we are working with hundreds of widows in their 20s and 30s who have young children. These women became widows as a result of their husbands dying of AIDS which they, too, have contracted. Without treatment, the disease will kill them and leave their children as orphans.

Christ Care Widows Ministry, established in 2008, provides counselling and social assistance, HIV/AIDs education, medical intervention, advocacy for widows and their children and opportunities for them to hear the Gospel of Christ. The Ministry currently supports 500 widows and over 300 orphans.

Will you join us in helping these widows turn their gaze to a brighter future?

Be part of our JustGiving campaign!

We have launched a new JustGiving campaign to help meet the needs of these hundreds of widows and orphans. If you would like to give, please complete the form below, which will then take you to the campaign page.


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Orphanage & Children's Home