South East Asia

This individual works in South East Asia. Their name is kept anonymous for their own protection.

My wife and I wife are in the ministry in one of the hardest and least-reached places in SE Asia and we are the parents of 2 beautiful kids. When I took my most recent job as a barista trainer I made a decision that I was going to minister to all people in the coffee industry. 

I have been given the unique privilege of developing relationships with the locals over a significant amount of time. One of the most valuable aspects of these relationships is the stories I get to hear; our locals have confided in me about broken homes and family, hardships of life, community and other major life issues. More often than not, these people don't know what I believe or what my intentions are, yet they open their life to me as though I am their family. 

My wife and I have worked incredibly hard to have a similar attitude as Jesus when it comes to people like this. We can't be fearful of those who we think to oppose us; we must engage them with love, grace and consistency. Only then the gospel will start to move them. 

We need to raise £1,000 a month to support our ministry and we would ask you to prayerfully consider joining our support team.